Jane Hadfield

Jane’s current role is with NHS England, as National Lead for NHS Apprenticeships. Jane also sites on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Board.

Jane originally trained as a Registered Nurse in the 1980’s, and has since worked in Workforce and Organisation Development for 25 years, for the NHS nationally in the South West of England in Bristol, in both senior clinical and corporate leadership roles. Jane now holds a national role in the NHS, managing the introduction of the apprenticeship reforms, using her experience, garnered during her career, in leading, the implementation of new apprenticeship education pathways. The programme Jane leads is designed to move from development, and implementation, to a quality focussed, sustainable apprenticeship strategy for the NHS, now enshrined in apprenticeships being embedded in the 15-year Long-Term Workforce Plan for the NHS.

Jane’s career includes many high points, particularly as a national Ambassador for Apprenticeships, in leading and supporting people fulfil their potential; in seeing the careers of many apprentices develop and flourish over the years; in raising the profile of widening participation and establishing new career pathways into health and care roles.

Jane was honoured with a national award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Apprenticeships’ in 2020, and her team gained the Team Award in 2021.

Jane was also awarded recognition as Highly Commended for partnership working with Health Education England and Skills for Health in the Health Service Journal Awards, 2020.

In 2023, Jane was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration (DBS), by The University of the West of England, in recognition of her contribution to widening access to education and advancing innovation and entrepreneurship in leadership.


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